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*My book was a #1 new release on Amazon.

*I have two books that remain top 20.

*I will be earning 4-figures from books sales this year.

Let me teach you what I know. 

Are you someone who dreams of not only writing a book but also generating income from it? While many find joy in writing for its own sake, if you're like me, you want your talents to benefit both yourself and others. If you're ready to commit to the journey, let's work together to create the book of your dreams and turn your hard work into a source of passive income!

My Live In-Depth Workshop Teaching Exactly How I Write Books That Earn A Steady Monthly Income

Learn everything from how I outline my books, to formatting, to self publishing with KDP, to marketing and getting GUARANTEED book sales.

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  • Wanting to write your book, but no one's interested in showing you the step by step process.

  • Wanting to make passive income doing something you love, but not knowing where to begin.

  • Feeling discouraged and wondering what you can do to guarantee that people will purchase your book. 

  • Being fed up with working a 9-5 and looking for a way out.


Here's what you'll learn in this workshop:

We will dive deep into concept development and you will identify your unique voice. You have something to say, and it should be said in YOUR voice. From there, you'll learn how to choose your genre and target audience.

For most people, formatting and designing their books is one of the most tedious parts of book publishing. Well, I'll break this down for you in Module 3. You'll learn easy ways to format and design your book. Also, you'll learn easy ways to create your book's front and back cover

This will be a weighty section. First, you will learn how to create a book outline. From there, we'll talk about creating a writing schedule and resources that you can use to write your book. Next, we'll unpack editing and proofreading.

KDP can be scary for those who've never published with the platform. However, once you get get it. I'll make it easy for you, as I demonstrate the process of publishing your book on KDP, step by step. Also, I'll show you how to market your book on KDP and on social media, as well as other ways to earn money from your book

My Live In-Depth Workshop Teaching You Exactly How I Write Books That Earn A Steady Monthly Income

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Ready to elevate your writing and publishing journey?

It's time to publish that book AND make some money.

Whether you're just starting out with your manuscript or looking to amplify your self-publishing game, the Publish Your Book 2024 Workshop will show you step-by-step how to complete your manuscript and use marketing techniques to sell your book. 

Just 6 months after deciding to become a book publisher, I am making a steady income!

And the dollar amount will only increase with time.

My books sells went from nothing to 100's of sales, and I'm going to tell you how.

I've watched tons of videos to teach me each aspect of self publishing. From writing and formatting, to cover creation and publishing books. 

It was very time consuming. Don't get me wrong, these videos were helpful and I was glad to get the new knowledge... 


But I wish that I could have taken ONE workshop that included EVERYTHING I needed to know about self publishing a successful book. 

And that's the power of workshops. It's a fast track to success in any endeavor, and yes, you will still have to work hard to implement what you learned. And you'll still need to create a book that people want to read. But you won't be wasting time on trial and error.


Publishing Prosperity 2024

My In-Depth Workshop Teaching You Exactly How I Write Books That Earn A Steady Monthly Income

Are you ready to write and publish your book (the right way)?


  • Publishing Prosperity Live Virtual Workshop

  • The Publishing Prosperity Workbook

  • A 30 minute coaching session (ask me anything)

Today's price: $135

Real book reviews
that I cherish: 

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When you join the workshop, you get:

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Video classes and walkthroughs that show you how to format and design your book, publish with KDP, and so much more.

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My exact step by step process and checklists that I used when I published my first book. 

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A 30 minute coaching session with me where you can ask whatever you want AND get feedback about your book concept, manuscript or design.

Workshop Breakdown

Module 1: Book Beginnings + Developing Your Concept

We will dive deep into concept development and you will identify your unique voice. You have something to say, and it should be said in YOUR voice. From there, you'll learn how to choose your genre and target audience.

Module 2: Writing Your Book

This will be a weighty section. First, you will learn how to create a book outline. From there, we'll talk about creating a writing schedule and resources that you can use to write your book. Next, we'll unpack editing and proofreading.

Module 3: Your Book's Design

For most people, formatting and designing their books is one of the most tedious parts of book publishing. Well, I'll break this down for you in Module 3. You'll learn easy ways to format and design your book. Also, you'll learn easy ways to create your book's front and back cover

Module 4: Publishing Your Book On KDP

KDP can be scary for those who've never published with the platform. However, once you get get it. I'll make it easy for you, as I demonstrate the process of publishing your book on KDP, step by step.

Module 5: Marketing Your Book + Getting Sales

I'm sure you'll want sales, we all do! In this module, I'll show you how to market your book on KDP and on social media, as well as other ways to earn money from your book

After Publishing Prosperity, you will be able to...

  • Be confident about your chosen book concept and genre. 

  • Begin writing or complete your book manuscript. 

  • Design and format your book.

  • Self publish your book with KDP.

  • Market and promote your book.

Why you need to write and publish your book..

Publishing your book allows you to attract an audience to your cause, story or expertise.

You will have an evergreen product that can generate income for a lifetime.

 You will be able to positively impact lives all over the world.


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Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is perfect if you're just starting out as a writer or want to make money from your books. Looking back, I wish I had a workshop like this when I began my publishing journey. With the information included, I could've published sooner and began making money faster. Don't miss out on this chance to speed up your journey to publication and start making money sooner than you thought possible.

Is this a live workshop or video recordings?

This is a live workshop via zoom. You will be logging on to participate in an actual class where I will be teaching and demonstrating the concepts, and step-by-step processes for writing, formatting, designing, publishing and marketing your book. You will be able to ask questions, get answers and receive feedback. And there will be homework!

What if I haven't started my book? I don't even know what to write about.

Well this class is perfect for you. The beauty in not having started yet is being able to develop a concept that will sell. In the first module, I go in-depth about the importance of choosing a topic and genre to increase your chances of selling  your books. That means you will get started heading in the RIGHT DIRECTION. 

What if I don't like the workshop?

While I'm sure you will love the workshop, I do want you to be satisfied with your purchase. If you are not happy with your purchase, contact me within 30 of your enrollment and I will refund you if you have not gone past module 1 and have not received your 1 on 1 coaching call. Also, if coaching is what you're looking for, please email me at to schedule your book publishing coaching call with me.


Hey there! I'm Melodie—educator, author, and dedicated full-time house sitter. Music is another big passion of mine—I love singing and creating music. Originally from Orlando, Florida, I've always been driven by my desire to use my gifts and talents to serve God.

After years in the classroom as a teacher, I discovered the profound joy in guiding others towards spiritual, mental, and emotional growth. That's why I write books that educate and inspire, and design courses that empower you to reach new heights in your relationship with God and in life.

Beyond all that, I'm just a regular woman who loves embracing life's joys and doing my part to uplift others.

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